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Keep a Lid on Eye Hygiene

Have you noticed that you might be suffering from inflamed eyelids, also called blepharitis? Blepharitis is a commonly occurring eyelid inflammation, usually associated with an already existing bacterial eye infection, certain sorts of skin conditions, like acne, or dry eyes.

Generally, symptoms include itching, burning, redness, the sensation of a foreign body in your eye, tearing and crusting around the eye. It can be problematic to overcome, because it's chronic.

You'll be glad to hear that there are a number of ways to deal with blepharitis and maintain healthy eye hygiene. Firstly, apply a warm compress to your closed eyelid to facilitate loosening the crust that may have formed on your eyelids and eyelashes prior to cleaning them. The heat from the washcloth will also help remove any clogged residue in the oil-secreting glands in your eyelids. At the start of your treatment, you'll need to repeat this several times throughout the day for about 5 minutes each time. After that, you can apply the compress for a few minutes, once a day.

Thorough eyelid washing is a necessary part of blepharitis treatment, so use a proper lid cleanser or whatever product your optometrist recommends. Try to carefully massage the outside of your eyelids and wash any residue away at the end.

Even though it's unpleasant, blepharitis isn't actually contagious at all and in the vast majority of cases, does not lead to any long-term damage to your vision, so make an appointment with your O. D. about how to make sure your eyelids are clean and healthy.